Sunday, October 15, 2006

Worthy is the lamb

If you have sung Messiah before, then you know after singing "Worthy is the lamb, the slain of God ..." for about 3~4 minutes, the lyrics is simplified to only singing A-men, but you easily make mistake either coming out too soon or too late.

This Sunday, finally I'm getting the picture how to sing it without hesitation or embarrassment. I felt like I achieved something great. It's really amazing how Handel wrote music like that and how composers of the similar age created the same kind of masterpieces.

For amateurs like me, to sing it note by note is already a challenge. I was impressed how our conductor always remember the detailed notes. But with practice time spent, I gradually get the point how those A-mens are handled between different pitches.

I feel glad to have this oppotunity to learn singing Handel's great work. I really love the involvement in the choir. What I love even more is when my son also sings "And the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the prince of piece"

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