Daily Mango was a blog written to criticize the current government in Taiwan and unreasonable issues acted out by some media or legislators.
Though added by some subjective commentaries, the writer always had some finding that are unique and these findings were proved true.
On 2008.11.21 morning (Taiwan time) it was still normal, in the afternoon, the blog went closed. There was no information passed out by the writer on his blog about closure, so the only reason it was closed should be yahoo with its administrative power did it because this blog was built under yahoo.
This current government doesn't like prople to criticize it. No matter how good it behaves or how bad thing are, people are not allowed to talk about it. People are losing their freedom to talk, to play music, to walk on the street with their chosen T shirts, to wave any flags they want, to shout anything (not bad words), and now to write anything on their blogs (the written words do not encourage terrorism or suicidal behaviors).
This government promised better future financially, yet it is taken away what we have fought for for the last 20 years, that is our basic human right. Daily Mango may not be the last blog to be closed by force, but we won't give up until our human right is well protected as in the democratic countries.
Closed Daily Mango(芒果日報)
Yuyen's (簡余晏)blog talks about
ma1dog (馬小九部落格) talks about it
Daily Mango Backups (芒果日報備分)
我心裏很生氣也很害怕, 在位者不能接納不同的聲音, 古代的皇帝和現代的極權政府才會做的事, 現在活生生地在台灣當政發生, 我不知道你的政治傾向, 我也不care, 可是批評政府就被關站, 這樣合理嗎? 也許你說芒果的批評不理性, 問題是, 誰來判斷理性程度, 是你嗎? 是yahoo嗎? 是總統嗎? 也許你說他的內容造假, 那就在回應裏踢爆啊, 而不是用這種骯髒的手法, 如果真的要關站, 不是應該先針對色情部落格, 鼓勵自殺, 恐怖主義的部落格嗎? 因為那些會對讀者產生不良後果, 後果是有人會失掉生命, 而我長期閱讀芒果日報的心得是, 針對所發生的不合理事件加以個人熱血式的評論, 讀完後得到對所知事件另一角度的看法, 僅此而已
當然該部落格最後置頂一個live的畫面, 也許就是這個原因造成關站(現在才想起來), 這個live的畫面顯示的是野草莓運動, 學生會隨時旁白現況, 讓大家看到他們的辛苦和訴求, 如果為把野草莓消音就關站, 仍是一種無恥的行徑, 上帝會記上這一筆的, 將來等著瞧好了
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