I want to upload pictures, but the system seems to be malfunctioning.
I thought the network system might be restricting me from doing this.
But when I tried the same process at home, I was asked to login again and again.
To post without sharing pictures is driving me nuts.
+_+ @_@ *_*
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
QA is important
原因是QA遭到customer的質疑, 連帶美國RD也帶著challenge的眼光看我們
但是最近的產品spec的更改, 弄得我不得不延後下班
雖然只有四首歌, 而且和其他團體一起唱, 唱錯被抓包的機率也很渺茫, 但是我還是會全力以赴
上週日在新竹中學的彩排, 聽到很多其他團體的其他演出內容, 真的是很好聽
真替他們汗顏, 萬一是正式來, 誰會管是誰放砲, 只會認為tenor放砲, 那我就只有跟著黑了
想到QA, 也想到生活的Quality
上次看到email 提到M型社會(富者越富, 窮者越窮)
老二剛出生不滿一年, 家裏又背房貸, 又需要第二部車
老公家中排行男生老三(還有一個大姐), 大哥, 二哥都有繼承房子, 就老公沒有
每次看到電器用品比在美國看的價錢還貴, 薪水卻是人家的1/3
像我工作快兩年, 根本不敢做買房子的打算
只能慶幸, 老婆是真的有才德的婦女
原因是QA遭到customer的質疑, 連帶美國RD也帶著challenge的眼光看我們
但是最近的產品spec的更改, 弄得我不得不延後下班
雖然只有四首歌, 而且和其他團體一起唱, 唱錯被抓包的機率也很渺茫, 但是我還是會全力以赴
上週日在新竹中學的彩排, 聽到很多其他團體的其他演出內容, 真的是很好聽
真替他們汗顏, 萬一是正式來, 誰會管是誰放砲, 只會認為tenor放砲, 那我就只有跟著黑了
想到QA, 也想到生活的Quality
上次看到email 提到M型社會(富者越富, 窮者越窮)
老二剛出生不滿一年, 家裏又背房貸, 又需要第二部車
老公家中排行男生老三(還有一個大姐), 大哥, 二哥都有繼承房子, 就老公沒有
每次看到電器用品比在美國看的價錢還貴, 薪水卻是人家的1/3
像我工作快兩年, 根本不敢做買房子的打算
只能慶幸, 老婆是真的有才德的婦女
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Boss is out of town
老闆要出國了, 差別在, 不會常常出現在你的cubilcle確認工作的內容
但是之前發生在我們group的問題, 從上頭來的壓力, 他幫我們扛了不少
所以, 他在也是很不錯
我喜歡他的名言 "project做不完沒關係, 球一定要打"
更重要的原則 "Don't overkill yourself"
Due date 趕不上, 不是等死, 或拚死完成, 每天加班到半夜
而是要向上反應, 調度資源合力完成
真的不行, 則應提早告知, 延長due date
當然有時會遇到due date 是用calendar date而非用man day來計算
這都是當初可能的dead promise造成的, 所以啦, 給自己緩衝也是很重要的
我喜歡高估, 這樣才不會給自己太大的壓力
想到上次一個project, 老闆問多久, 我說兩個禮拜
老闆笑著說, 這個恐怕要一週內就弄出來, 如果弄不出來, 我們再討論
結果兩天就連test + patch搞定
裏頭的不確定因素, 讓我無法正確預估需要的時間
所幸, survey的時間沒有用的很多
大老闆週五(明天)就回來, 而老闆今天下午走, 看來如同他自己說的
可是為了趕release, 已經所有的資源集中在QA(quality assurance)了
只是同事熟了, 偶而聽聽他們打的嘴砲, 心情比較好
1. 家事>公事, 他還挺看重家庭的support
2. 務實, 我從伉儷團契聽到有些弟兄分享提到上司說"跟著我, 就會...", 然後靠人靠跑的見證, 至少我們老闆從來不提這種不切實際的官僚話
不過就像friends裏的Chandler升為上司, 昔日同事不再與他聊天打屁了, 畢竟那道界線還是存在的
但是之前發生在我們group的問題, 從上頭來的壓力, 他幫我們扛了不少
所以, 他在也是很不錯
我喜歡他的名言 "project做不完沒關係, 球一定要打"
更重要的原則 "Don't overkill yourself"
Due date 趕不上, 不是等死, 或拚死完成, 每天加班到半夜
而是要向上反應, 調度資源合力完成
真的不行, 則應提早告知, 延長due date
當然有時會遇到due date 是用calendar date而非用man day來計算
這都是當初可能的dead promise造成的, 所以啦, 給自己緩衝也是很重要的
我喜歡高估, 這樣才不會給自己太大的壓力
想到上次一個project, 老闆問多久, 我說兩個禮拜
老闆笑著說, 這個恐怕要一週內就弄出來, 如果弄不出來, 我們再討論
結果兩天就連test + patch搞定
裏頭的不確定因素, 讓我無法正確預估需要的時間
所幸, survey的時間沒有用的很多
大老闆週五(明天)就回來, 而老闆今天下午走, 看來如同他自己說的
可是為了趕release, 已經所有的資源集中在QA(quality assurance)了
只是同事熟了, 偶而聽聽他們打的嘴砲, 心情比較好
1. 家事>公事, 他還挺看重家庭的support
2. 務實, 我從伉儷團契聽到有些弟兄分享提到上司說"跟著我, 就會...", 然後靠人靠跑的見證, 至少我們老闆從來不提這種不切實際的官僚話
不過就像friends裏的Chandler升為上司, 昔日同事不再與他聊天打屁了, 畢竟那道界線還是存在的
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Messiah is really big
After praticing for several weeks, our choir can perform "For unto us a child is born", "Glory to God", "Halelujah", and "Worthy is the lamb". When I compared to what I heard from the CD, this is just puny part of the whole set. Well, they already took us a long time to not get lost singing.
I felt I really achieved something when I finally got the point how to sing the A-men in "Worthy is the lamb". We're going to perform in Ching-Hua University in Hsinchu on 12/3 Sunday evening. Many other great performers are attending the event.
The goal is to accumulate enough funds for 仁愛啟智中心. Only the funds beyond the expense will be available to be donated to the center. Let's pray that there will be a great amount of it accumulated for the contribution.
I'll post the electronic DM once I get it.
I felt I really achieved something when I finally got the point how to sing the A-men in "Worthy is the lamb". We're going to perform in Ching-Hua University in Hsinchu on 12/3 Sunday evening. Many other great performers are attending the event.
The goal is to accumulate enough funds for 仁愛啟智中心. Only the funds beyond the expense will be available to be donated to the center. Let's pray that there will be a great amount of it accumulated for the contribution.
I'll post the electronic DM once I get it.
poor MR2
命運坎坷的MR2似乎又大起大落了, 才寫完它可憐的故事之後, 回家突然發現它又榮登兒子枕頭後的寶座了, 但是好景不常
珮萱在市場看見有賣黃色的車子(Mustang)就買回來了(充當計程車) 結果我兒子愛不釋手, 這下子MR2 又被推擠下來了
試想如果我是那台MR2, 而我兒子是老闆, 那我鐵定要跳槽了, 如果我兒子是我爸, 那可能要離家出走一段時間囉
珮萱在市場看見有賣黃色的車子(Mustang)就買回來了(充當計程車) 結果我兒子愛不釋手, 這下子MR2 又被推擠下來了
試想如果我是那台MR2, 而我兒子是老闆, 那我鐵定要跳槽了, 如果我兒子是我爸, 那可能要離家出走一段時間囉
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Silver car & police car
My wife bought my son a police car. It looked gorgeous. My son loved it.
When we were in Taipei, his cousin also loved it. You know what happens when two kids both want the same car. We've decided not to let him take it back to Taipei again.
Because my car is a silver one, my son also pays extra attentions to the silver toy cars. Luckilly I have two Cryslers (from job affairs) and a mini van (TOMY brand). Besides, he also loves blue cars.
If you have seen cars (the movie), then you know that there is a leading car in the race which is yellow. My son thought that was a taxi. (爸爸, 你看, 黃色的計程車). There are many on the street as well. My wife said, everyday when they both go out to the market, my son would say "Let's go buy a taxi" (媽媽, 我們買計程車; 好, 如果有看到就買). They are actually not easy to see as toys. We still don't have it.
But one day my wife was in the market by herself while I stayed home and my son still was sleeping. She found a silver car (1/36 size). It was an MR2. She also brought back a dump truck with an excavater on top. From then on, the MR2 share the glory with the police car. They would be kept next to my son's pillow when he goes to bed. Neither of my wife and I could touch them (爸爸, 不要摸, 用看的)
Last Sunday, while we were practicing Messiah again, my son was playing with his MR2. It suddenly fell off the bench and broke its rear head light. I got the broken piece that fell out and told him that we're going to fix it after we get home. (爸爸, 我們回家; 現在還沒有要回家) Somehow he changed his mind from waiting to get his MR2 fixed. What I heard from him was to buy a new one instead of keep it. (爸爸, 舊的不要, 我們買新的)
After that event, this MR2 is longer staying with him when he sleeps. He even doesn't play with it any more. The rear head light was glued back firmly, but it his mind, it's longer his favorite car.
There are 3 levels of cars in his world of toy cars from our observation. 1st level cars are only allowed to be played by him and can stay with him. The 2nd level cars are only allowed to be played by him but they stay in the bedroom, not next to him. The 3rd level cars can be played by anyone and where they stay when he goes to bed is not his business.
I witnessed one once loved with whole heart, fell down to being ignored completely. It reminds me of Woody replaced by Buzz lightyear and never gets his place in his owner again. I keep imagine how sad that MR2 would be if it has feelings.
Recenlty he keeps saying that he wants a mouse car transporter. I think his dream won't come true very soon.
When we were in Taipei, his cousin also loved it. You know what happens when two kids both want the same car. We've decided not to let him take it back to Taipei again.
Because my car is a silver one, my son also pays extra attentions to the silver toy cars. Luckilly I have two Cryslers (from job affairs) and a mini van (TOMY brand). Besides, he also loves blue cars.
If you have seen cars (the movie), then you know that there is a leading car in the race which is yellow. My son thought that was a taxi. (爸爸, 你看, 黃色的計程車). There are many on the street as well. My wife said, everyday when they both go out to the market, my son would say "Let's go buy a taxi" (媽媽, 我們買計程車; 好, 如果有看到就買). They are actually not easy to see as toys. We still don't have it.
But one day my wife was in the market by herself while I stayed home and my son still was sleeping. She found a silver car (1/36 size). It was an MR2. She also brought back a dump truck with an excavater on top. From then on, the MR2 share the glory with the police car. They would be kept next to my son's pillow when he goes to bed. Neither of my wife and I could touch them (爸爸, 不要摸, 用看的)
Last Sunday, while we were practicing Messiah again, my son was playing with his MR2. It suddenly fell off the bench and broke its rear head light. I got the broken piece that fell out and told him that we're going to fix it after we get home. (爸爸, 我們回家; 現在還沒有要回家) Somehow he changed his mind from waiting to get his MR2 fixed. What I heard from him was to buy a new one instead of keep it. (爸爸, 舊的不要, 我們買新的)
After that event, this MR2 is longer staying with him when he sleeps. He even doesn't play with it any more. The rear head light was glued back firmly, but it his mind, it's longer his favorite car.
There are 3 levels of cars in his world of toy cars from our observation. 1st level cars are only allowed to be played by him and can stay with him. The 2nd level cars are only allowed to be played by him but they stay in the bedroom, not next to him. The 3rd level cars can be played by anyone and where they stay when he goes to bed is not his business.
I witnessed one once loved with whole heart, fell down to being ignored completely. It reminds me of Woody replaced by Buzz lightyear and never gets his place in his owner again. I keep imagine how sad that MR2 would be if it has feelings.
Recenlty he keeps saying that he wants a mouse car transporter. I think his dream won't come true very soon.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Company Tour
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
What? November already?
Long time has passed.
What have I achieved?
(1)Reserved the end of this year to Hokkaido (Yahhhhhh!)
(2)Basketball day is over thanks to some guy telling on us. The administration is forbidding it now. (That's not achievement!)
(3)Been creating tons of test cases for QA (quality assurance)
(4)A new hired is going to be half under my supervision
(5)My son has become enormously cute (I did not contribute to it)
(6)NBA has started a new season(nba.com, here I come)
(7)My belly has become larger (I wish I had not achieved this)
Well, it's less than a month since my last post, no need to panic.
What have I achieved?
(1)Reserved the end of this year to Hokkaido (Yahhhhhh!)
(2)Basketball day is over thanks to some guy telling on us. The administration is forbidding it now. (That's not achievement!)
(3)Been creating tons of test cases for QA (quality assurance)
(4)A new hired is going to be half under my supervision
(5)My son has become enormously cute (I did not contribute to it)
(6)NBA has started a new season(nba.com, here I come)
(7)My belly has become larger (I wish I had not achieved this)
Well, it's less than a month since my last post, no need to panic.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Worthy is the lamb
If you have sung Messiah before, then you know after singing "Worthy is the lamb, the slain of God ..." for about 3~4 minutes, the lyrics is simplified to only singing A-men, but you easily make mistake either coming out too soon or too late.
This Sunday, finally I'm getting the picture how to sing it without hesitation or embarrassment. I felt like I achieved something great. It's really amazing how Handel wrote music like that and how composers of the similar age created the same kind of masterpieces.
For amateurs like me, to sing it note by note is already a challenge. I was impressed how our conductor always remember the detailed notes. But with practice time spent, I gradually get the point how those A-mens are handled between different pitches.
I feel glad to have this oppotunity to learn singing Handel's great work. I really love the involvement in the choir. What I love even more is when my son also sings "And the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the prince of piece"
This Sunday, finally I'm getting the picture how to sing it without hesitation or embarrassment. I felt like I achieved something great. It's really amazing how Handel wrote music like that and how composers of the similar age created the same kind of masterpieces.
For amateurs like me, to sing it note by note is already a challenge. I was impressed how our conductor always remember the detailed notes. But with practice time spent, I gradually get the point how those A-mens are handled between different pitches.
I feel glad to have this oppotunity to learn singing Handel's great work. I really love the involvement in the choir. What I love even more is when my son also sings "And the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the prince of piece"
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Taipei zoo
趁著連假, 帶著全家去木柵動物園, 這個從大二之後(算算有13年了) 就再也沒去過的地方, 竟然大到逛不完, 雙腿竟然比剛打了一場籃球還酸, 而3歲的兒子卻沒有要求過要抱抱(除了夜行館入口處太暗, 他怕黑) 我們都被他給打敗了
去的感想, 下次一定要再來參觀, 真的跟以前差好多好多. 以前的印象就是夜行館的蠑螈(newt)好可愛, 其他都沒什麼印象了, 不過當時的票好像只有20元, 現在則是60元. 價錢跟園區的大小都呈倍增的狀態
兒子喜歡亂跑的壞習慣, 終於抓到個機會教育的時機, 在遊客絡繹不絕的情況下, 兒子自顧自地前進, 讓我們吃足苦頭, 終於決定不跟, 讓他學個教訓, 看他急得來回找尋我們, 臉已滿佈愁容, 我先心軟, 趕緊出現在他的視野中, Esther趁機告誡他要走時必須通知我們, 或者隨時回頭看我們有沒有跟上. 只希望他能記取教訓. 記得上次在屏東海生館, 我們曾用過同的方法, 可是他卻毫不在意, 讓我們束手無策.
另一個比較讓人詬病的是, 裏面的食物實在難吃, 我覺得想買個像樣的午餐給兒子吃成了難題, 在台中科博館, 至少還有個McDonald可以吃個粗飽, 這裏, 再貴還是那個quality讓人不敢恭維, 不是地頭蛇的我們到回程入捷運站才看到站旁的McDonald, 只好帶飢腸再撐個半小時(之前的炒麵差不多消耗掉了)回自家附近的M解決. 水的稀少也是一大缺點, 倒是販賣飲料一堆, 可是喝一堆越喝越渴的果汁, 我看不出這個措施有何高明之處, 下次我一定會記得帶礦泉水, 這次是被台中科博館到處有的飲水機經驗影響, 以為這裏也會到處有飲水機
兒子算是第一次去動物園, 看到他滿足的笑容, 這一趟再累也值得了
去的感想, 下次一定要再來參觀, 真的跟以前差好多好多. 以前的印象就是夜行館的蠑螈(newt)好可愛, 其他都沒什麼印象了, 不過當時的票好像只有20元, 現在則是60元. 價錢跟園區的大小都呈倍增的狀態
兒子喜歡亂跑的壞習慣, 終於抓到個機會教育的時機, 在遊客絡繹不絕的情況下, 兒子自顧自地前進, 讓我們吃足苦頭, 終於決定不跟, 讓他學個教訓, 看他急得來回找尋我們, 臉已滿佈愁容, 我先心軟, 趕緊出現在他的視野中, Esther趁機告誡他要走時必須通知我們, 或者隨時回頭看我們有沒有跟上. 只希望他能記取教訓. 記得上次在屏東海生館, 我們曾用過同的方法, 可是他卻毫不在意, 讓我們束手無策.
另一個比較讓人詬病的是, 裏面的食物實在難吃, 我覺得想買個像樣的午餐給兒子吃成了難題, 在台中科博館, 至少還有個McDonald可以吃個粗飽, 這裏, 再貴還是那個quality讓人不敢恭維, 不是地頭蛇的我們到回程入捷運站才看到站旁的McDonald, 只好帶飢腸再撐個半小時(之前的炒麵差不多消耗掉了)回自家附近的M解決. 水的稀少也是一大缺點, 倒是販賣飲料一堆, 可是喝一堆越喝越渴的果汁, 我看不出這個措施有何高明之處, 下次我一定會記得帶礦泉水, 這次是被台中科博館到處有的飲水機經驗影響, 以為這裏也會到處有飲水機
兒子算是第一次去動物園, 看到他滿足的笑容, 這一趟再累也值得了
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A night at a motel

We spent the night at a motel. The bath tub was huge enough for the three of us, and it has massage system, too. My naughty son saw the candle lights (behind) and tried to blow them off. At that time my wife was preparing the hot water. Suddenly my son slipped into the tub. If there was no water, he could have gotten hurt very seriously. But he was scared enough to keep saying that he didn't want to take a bath.
The motel was a nice place to spend the night, except that the bed was too shaky (probably a water bed) and we don't like to sleep on a bed like that. All three of us didn't sleep well after the night. But that was a wonderful experience.
I heard that these motels are designed for people having affairs. When I turned on the TV and switched to 22 channel (supposed to be animal planet), I saw the introduction video of the motel. I tried to switch down to 19 (looking for discovery channel), then went through 6,7 channels that played videos forbidden for under 18. I don't know what my son was thinking when he saw them. Quickly, I switched to 30 (it was playing Chibi Maruko) and we were settled for the TV show.

Dinosaur exhibition

The dinosour exhibition was supposed to be the most fun. However my son was afraid of the sound they mimic a T-Rex. He almost didn't want to come in. I had a hold him util we left the area and no dinosour voices could be heard. It was our first stop in the science museum. I was deeply afraid that I would have to hold him for the whole visit. Luckily it was only in this room so I could still keep my arms unharmed.

Science museum

On 2006/09/24, we visited the science museum in Taichung. It was also our first time being there. I thought my son learned a lot from there. There are many that I did not know either. In this picture, the agriculture in Taiwan is being introduced. It was much more than I have expected. For a 100NT entrance fee, I think I would go there every week if I live there.

Lunch at Morimoto - Taichung

Last Monday(2006/09/25), We spent one night at Taichung. This restaurant was just opened for one week. The previous pictures show a whole set (580 + 10%). At the time of ordering, it seemed to be such a luxury. But for this whole set, I thought the price was acceptable. It was a great time having lunch at that place. The waitress was very nice, too. My son also had a wonderful meal and was happy through the whole lunch time.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
RD is going to customer's site
幾經3次core dump, 連大老闆都驚動了, 我都覺得飯碗不保了
今天下午要到客戶那邊去收集core dump 的資料, 說起來這家下訂單全靠這個bug 能不能解.
可喜的是, bug不是出在我加的code, 可是整個gui 都已經交接給我了, 所以這邊出問題, 全部責任都要歸我, 還好資深的RD還在公司(那部分code是他寫的), 所以narrow down問題的原因成了我這次出訪的首要任務
說起來累積到3次core dump仍無對策是很寃的事:
第一次AE拿了沒有patch過(新加的程式沒有進入該版本)的 gui 程式去run, 造成core dump沒有任何辦法解讀
第二次, 知道在那裏了, 於是根據結果加入message並猜測可能的原因, 再去一次
第三次, 還是死掉, 終於驚動大老闆了, 由於加入的message的方式是print在screen上面而沒搜集到log file裏頭, 造成仍然沒有有效地知道garbage address是什麼, 這次是我的疏忽
第四次出訪, 雖然未必能解決問題, 但是至少要知道的更多一些才是
而且離開了公司的保護傘, 到人家地盤, 緊張是難免的
我們是一人一個cubicle, 人家是4人一個cubicle, 到時難免會有關愛的眼神@_@
哎, 都黑到這個地步, 也只有努力衝了
今天下午要到客戶那邊去收集core dump 的資料, 說起來這家下訂單全靠這個bug 能不能解.
可喜的是, bug不是出在我加的code, 可是整個gui 都已經交接給我了, 所以這邊出問題, 全部責任都要歸我, 還好資深的RD還在公司(那部分code是他寫的), 所以narrow down問題的原因成了我這次出訪的首要任務
說起來累積到3次core dump仍無對策是很寃的事:
第一次AE拿了沒有patch過(新加的程式沒有進入該版本)的 gui 程式去run, 造成core dump沒有任何辦法解讀
第二次, 知道在那裏了, 於是根據結果加入message並猜測可能的原因, 再去一次
第三次, 還是死掉, 終於驚動大老闆了, 由於加入的message的方式是print在screen上面而沒搜集到log file裏頭, 造成仍然沒有有效地知道garbage address是什麼, 這次是我的疏忽
第四次出訪, 雖然未必能解決問題, 但是至少要知道的更多一些才是
而且離開了公司的保護傘, 到人家地盤, 緊張是難免的
我們是一人一個cubicle, 人家是4人一個cubicle, 到時難免會有關愛的眼神@_@
哎, 都黑到這個地步, 也只有努力衝了
Monday, September 11, 2006
Well done, Samuel
My working machine was out of order this morning, so I asked the MIS people to fix the problem. Meanwhile, I couldn't do anything because my implemented codes were all in that machine.
Other coworkers suggested me to sync the codes to another machine so when the similar situation is encountered, I could still work on the other machine and won't have to suffer from the waiting.
Once my machice was back to order, I wrote a serial commands to sync the codes. What was missing was that I thought I successfully logged into the backup machine, but I wasn't. When I ran the commands and deleted the codes from the particular folder, I actually removed all original codes from my working machine instead of my backup machine.
What a disaster! I spent another 3 hours to restore what I have implemented for the last few days. Gladly I still had them in my mind.
I really hope this "well done" job would not be done again.
Other coworkers suggested me to sync the codes to another machine so when the similar situation is encountered, I could still work on the other machine and won't have to suffer from the waiting.
Once my machice was back to order, I wrote a serial commands to sync the codes. What was missing was that I thought I successfully logged into the backup machine, but I wasn't. When I ran the commands and deleted the codes from the particular folder, I actually removed all original codes from my working machine instead of my backup machine.
What a disaster! I spent another 3 hours to restore what I have implemented for the last few days. Gladly I still had them in my mind.
I really hope this "well done" job would not be done again.
中斷一年半的詩班服事, 終於我又鼓起勇氣參加了新竹勝利堂的詩班, 不過只參與任務型的服事, 即聖誔節和復活節的獻詩
對很多人, 唱彌賽亞可能是家常便飯, 我老婆的姐姐在懷寧街擔任崇拜傳道, 她說她教會已經唱很多次了. 我們在美國的教會原本有機會唱到, 也已練了數首了, 無奈指揮突然需要開刀, 臨時換陣後, 此計畫也無疾而終.
這次勝利堂也決定要唱了, 而我也見識到這個新竹最大教會的詩班的強力素質了. 一練詩就是2小時. 指揮練詩很有效率, 司琴也是國家級獨奏的狠角色(這樣講好像有點過火了, 不過, 可以聽得出來, 不是以前看到的一般的司琴)
總之, 能參與到這個盛事, 對我來說也算是畢生榮性, 當然如果能多唱幾次, 就好像累積冠軍奬盃一樣更讓人興奮了
對很多人, 唱彌賽亞可能是家常便飯, 我老婆的姐姐在懷寧街擔任崇拜傳道, 她說她教會已經唱很多次了. 我們在美國的教會原本有機會唱到, 也已練了數首了, 無奈指揮突然需要開刀, 臨時換陣後, 此計畫也無疾而終.
這次勝利堂也決定要唱了, 而我也見識到這個新竹最大教會的詩班的強力素質了. 一練詩就是2小時. 指揮練詩很有效率, 司琴也是國家級獨奏的狠角色(這樣講好像有點過火了, 不過, 可以聽得出來, 不是以前看到的一般的司琴)
總之, 能參與到這個盛事, 對我來說也算是畢生榮性, 當然如果能多唱幾次, 就好像累積冠軍奬盃一樣更讓人興奮了
100 blessings
Thursday, August 31, 2006
political conspiracy
在美國待了五年, 從來美國政譠發生什麼事, 都是完全狀況外, 也落得耳根清淨.
回來不過一年半載, 住在台灣的人知道, 發生一堆不可勝數的事, 甚至如果做新聞排名的話, 前十名恐怕至少五名會是政治新聞.
看了游錫堃的求官說新聞, 突然覺得真的誠如新聞內容所提, 國務機要費的新聞已經轉移到反貪腐, 再到施與馬的對立造成多人退費問題. 焦點的轉移, 很技巧地已經從槓桿一頭滑到另一邊了. 是刻意造成的嗎?
以前看鋼彈Z, 正反的兩方居然目的都是為了維護地球的安全, 反方的將領自願以反派的身份做個人的犠牲來成全"不易得來地球的平安", 而他的死亡代表著平安的到來
這份情操值得尊敬嗎, 應該效仿嗎? 上帝如何看待這事?
如果施在扮演這個角色, 他維護的"地球的平安"代表的是什麼?
也許我還是少看一點政治新聞, 心裏胡思亂想也是被這些媒體有意無意披露的消息造成的, 選擇不看才是王道!
回來不過一年半載, 住在台灣的人知道, 發生一堆不可勝數的事, 甚至如果做新聞排名的話, 前十名恐怕至少五名會是政治新聞.
看了游錫堃的求官說新聞, 突然覺得真的誠如新聞內容所提, 國務機要費的新聞已經轉移到反貪腐, 再到施與馬的對立造成多人退費問題. 焦點的轉移, 很技巧地已經從槓桿一頭滑到另一邊了. 是刻意造成的嗎?
以前看鋼彈Z, 正反的兩方居然目的都是為了維護地球的安全, 反方的將領自願以反派的身份做個人的犠牲來成全"不易得來地球的平安", 而他的死亡代表著平安的到來
這份情操值得尊敬嗎, 應該效仿嗎? 上帝如何看待這事?
如果施在扮演這個角色, 他維護的"地球的平安"代表的是什麼?
也許我還是少看一點政治新聞, 心裏胡思亂想也是被這些媒體有意無意披露的消息造成的, 選擇不看才是王道!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
single life
同事說那麼可以"夜夜笙歌", 電視真的給他看得有點晚就是了
同事說那麼可以"夜夜笙歌", 電視真的給他看得有點晚就是了
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
More spent on petting fish
又敗了一個隔離室, 專給懷孕的母魚和小魚
順帶一提的是, 救出來的小魚全死了, 而水缸裏的小魚, 隔離了兩隻, 一隻仍然在大魚間求生存
水質可能是這一波小魚全軍覆没的原因, 大的也死了兩隻
看來, 還有很學費要繳, 才能變成養魚達人 (而且是最好養的孔雀魚)
上了www.helloguppy.com.tw 才知道他們就是大肚魚(bellyfish)
昨天再去買虹吸管和濾網, 總支出已達2500NT了, 也注意到純品種的孔雀魚一對可以到2500, 哇噻, 就是我們至今的總開銷了, 不過美麗的程度也等同價值, 真的是很漂亮
PS. 老闆今天回來了, 趕快認真工作去吔
順帶一提的是, 救出來的小魚全死了, 而水缸裏的小魚, 隔離了兩隻, 一隻仍然在大魚間求生存
水質可能是這一波小魚全軍覆没的原因, 大的也死了兩隻
看來, 還有很學費要繳, 才能變成養魚達人 (而且是最好養的孔雀魚)
上了www.helloguppy.com.tw 才知道他們就是大肚魚(bellyfish)
昨天再去買虹吸管和濾網, 總支出已達2500NT了, 也注意到純品種的孔雀魚一對可以到2500, 哇噻, 就是我們至今的總開銷了, 不過美麗的程度也等同價值, 真的是很漂亮
PS. 老闆今天回來了, 趕快認真工作去吔
Sunday, August 27, 2006
petting fish
星期五, 終於在空著五天的魚缸裏加入新生命
由於我們是入門等級, 所以想當然爾是買孔雀魚, 老婆的朋友報"好康的"說大潤發賣2隻25元, 趕緊去買了一對, 之後因為要添蝦子, 所以到水族館一趟, 結果差點吐血.
水族館的孔雀魚種類繁多, 更是美麗, 價錢卻是一隻15元, 買5送2
最後我們總共放進了9隻孔雀魚, 2隻熊貓魚, 和2隻大米蝦(1隻10元, 注意後續)
回去遵照老闆娘的交待放入魚缸30分, 再加入1/3塑膠袋水, 再閒置5分, 再放1/3水, 再等5分, 然後"放生"
看起來一切都很正常, 家裏添了新朋友, 兒子也似懂非懂地看著我們手忙腳亂
第二天, 下午出門, 燈打開到回來時已經九點了, 猛地一看, 居然有隻蝦子呈煮熟狀, 怎麼都想不出來是怎麼發生的. 打去水族館問, 電話的那一頭也說沒有聽過這種事, 想想10元大蝦就這壽終正寢了, 卻沒有辦法解釋怎麼發生的, 真是挫折啊
過不久跟兒子觀賞魚的生態時, 突然發現有小魚. 真是天啊, 昨天(星期五)才買的, 今天就冒出小朋友出來, 我兒子才剛學青蛙的成長, 一直說是蝌蚪, 糾正了半天說是baby fish還是無效. 小孩子就是那麼天真, 我看一時也沒辦法說服他那不是蝌蚪, 也只有任憑他了
第三天, 老婆親眼目睹小魚遭吞嗜, 決定解救其他的小魚了, 本來看來看去都只有5,6隻魚, 沒想到一撈竟然撈出13隻, 而且裏頭還有剩. 這下小容器另盛了一批"小蝌蚪"了, 真是倍增啊
才買來不到3天的魚, 倒是給了我們一堆的驚喜, 原本的目地也只是想讓我兒子有個養動物的經驗, 不過卻發現是給我們自己多一份例行的工作, 現在我每天早上出門前多了一個任務, 就是餵食, 當然我還是希望這份差事能夠長長久久, 畢竟我也從來沒有養過魚
由於我們是入門等級, 所以想當然爾是買孔雀魚, 老婆的朋友報"好康的"說大潤發賣2隻25元, 趕緊去買了一對, 之後因為要添蝦子, 所以到水族館一趟, 結果差點吐血.
水族館的孔雀魚種類繁多, 更是美麗, 價錢卻是一隻15元, 買5送2
最後我們總共放進了9隻孔雀魚, 2隻熊貓魚, 和2隻大米蝦(1隻10元, 注意後續)
回去遵照老闆娘的交待放入魚缸30分, 再加入1/3塑膠袋水, 再閒置5分, 再放1/3水, 再等5分, 然後"放生"
看起來一切都很正常, 家裏添了新朋友, 兒子也似懂非懂地看著我們手忙腳亂
第二天, 下午出門, 燈打開到回來時已經九點了, 猛地一看, 居然有隻蝦子呈煮熟狀, 怎麼都想不出來是怎麼發生的. 打去水族館問, 電話的那一頭也說沒有聽過這種事, 想想10元大蝦就這壽終正寢了, 卻沒有辦法解釋怎麼發生的, 真是挫折啊
過不久跟兒子觀賞魚的生態時, 突然發現有小魚. 真是天啊, 昨天(星期五)才買的, 今天就冒出小朋友出來, 我兒子才剛學青蛙的成長, 一直說是蝌蚪, 糾正了半天說是baby fish還是無效. 小孩子就是那麼天真, 我看一時也沒辦法說服他那不是蝌蚪, 也只有任憑他了
第三天, 老婆親眼目睹小魚遭吞嗜, 決定解救其他的小魚了, 本來看來看去都只有5,6隻魚, 沒想到一撈竟然撈出13隻, 而且裏頭還有剩. 這下小容器另盛了一批"小蝌蚪"了, 真是倍增啊
才買來不到3天的魚, 倒是給了我們一堆的驚喜, 原本的目地也只是想讓我兒子有個養動物的經驗, 不過卻發現是給我們自己多一份例行的工作, 現在我每天早上出門前多了一個任務, 就是餵食, 當然我還是希望這份差事能夠長長久久, 畢竟我也從來沒有養過魚
Friday, August 25, 2006
One year ago...

The last wedding (around last Summer) we've been so far invited from my coworker in the same company.
Just wanted to record this moment. This angel with innocent curiosity while receiving the gift from the newly wed is turning into a little devil more and more often now. But we love him whether he chooses to pretend he is an angel or a devil.

Thank God I was not the photographer, otherwise I would probably keep thinking : "Why don't you watch me at the same time? I'm gonna take two pictures to make sure I don't miss you guys."
Obviosly the gift attracts a lot greater attention from my son.
As for my wife, it was also a very rare occassion for her to dress up. I guess we all have been too busy and not paid much attention to our images.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Count down to next Wed.
上週老闆去美國, 經理下週三才回台, 多少大家在cubicle裏的壓力就少了許多.
至少在上網的時候, 不會有突然經理站走過來討論project的尬尷場面(我就有過)
不過大家都還是很拚命的, 我的正常下班每次感覺好像是早退一樣
我也習慣這樣的上班模式, 大不了換一份工作罷了, 不過下個主管會不會這麼英明就難說, 至少在別的部門或美國方面對我們台灣RD有不滿時, 他總是挺我們的
昨天一場午後雨把我們每週三的藍球時間給毀了, 真是可惜, 主管下週回來, 我很深的懷疑籃球時間會繼續, 因為我們其實是提早半小時離開公司去打的(心好虛啊)
所以說囉, 把握最後幾天暑假了, 畢竟也這樣一個月了, 該繃緊發條了(也沒怎麼鬆過)
想想一位弟兄下班時間明明到了, 站起身來看同事毫無動靜, 只好乖乖坐下殺時間
我們真是日子好過太多了, 時間彈性, 當然事情按時做完就沒話講, 但總好過事情做完卻走不了
前同事在友達時, 也遭主管要求10下班以豎立良好"風範", Come on!效率又不是這樣衡量的
今天例行的視訊會議結束了, 這也是最後一次看主管在web cam的另一頭了
上週老闆去美國, 經理下週三才回台, 多少大家在cubicle裏的壓力就少了許多.
至少在上網的時候, 不會有突然經理站走過來討論project的尬尷場面(我就有過)
不過大家都還是很拚命的, 我的正常下班每次感覺好像是早退一樣
我也習慣這樣的上班模式, 大不了換一份工作罷了, 不過下個主管會不會這麼英明就難說, 至少在別的部門或美國方面對我們台灣RD有不滿時, 他總是挺我們的
昨天一場午後雨把我們每週三的藍球時間給毀了, 真是可惜, 主管下週回來, 我很深的懷疑籃球時間會繼續, 因為我們其實是提早半小時離開公司去打的(心好虛啊)
所以說囉, 把握最後幾天暑假了, 畢竟也這樣一個月了, 該繃緊發條了(也沒怎麼鬆過)
想想一位弟兄下班時間明明到了, 站起身來看同事毫無動靜, 只好乖乖坐下殺時間
我們真是日子好過太多了, 時間彈性, 當然事情按時做完就沒話講, 但總好過事情做完卻走不了
前同事在友達時, 也遭主管要求10下班以豎立良好"風範", Come on!效率又不是這樣衡量的
今天例行的視訊會議結束了, 這也是最後一次看主管在web cam的另一頭了
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
朋友的家裏養了魚和狗, 看在老婆眼裏, 覺得應該讓兒子也有個動物朋友在家裏
同為生手的我和老婆, 到了水簇館, 宛如城市鄉巴佬一般, 看著各式各樣的硬體 (缸, 燈, 過濾器, 砂, 裝飾品) 和軟體 (魚, 草), 東挑西撿, 竟也花了1900元, 真是失血啊
回家還得工作說, 洗砂, 裝砂, 倒藥水, 補水, 裝燈, 裝過濾器, 插水草, 放入小小風車, 這才算是完成魚缸部分, 再過2,3 天買個小魚, 這樣才會結束開始的部分
不過兒子似乎很興奮, 也許會納悶為什麼沒有魚吧
活了這麼久, 養魚卻也是第一次而已, 算是長了智慧了, 多虧我們家兒子
同為生手的我和老婆, 到了水簇館, 宛如城市鄉巴佬一般, 看著各式各樣的硬體 (缸, 燈, 過濾器, 砂, 裝飾品) 和軟體 (魚, 草), 東挑西撿, 竟也花了1900元, 真是失血啊
回家還得工作說, 洗砂, 裝砂, 倒藥水, 補水, 裝燈, 裝過濾器, 插水草, 放入小小風車, 這才算是完成魚缸部分, 再過2,3 天買個小魚, 這樣才會結束開始的部分
不過兒子似乎很興奮, 也許會納悶為什麼沒有魚吧
活了這麼久, 養魚卻也是第一次而已, 算是長了智慧了, 多虧我們家兒子
Monday, August 21, 2006
無奈假日市場的一處門口因施工而關閉, 只好繞行穿越假日市場
看來此處是行之有年的攤販集散地, 攤子之多, 不可勝數
以前常和女朋友逛台北的通化夜市, 規模卻是比之小了足足好幾號
但是牽著兒子的手, 他看到很多的誘惑, 差點就走不完這段繞著新竹體育場的路了
也許是我太吝嗇, 或者是我一向對這種擁擠和骯髒沒有好感
所以兒子看到撈魚, 推高球的遊戲, 自動上坐, 但是還是被我連哄帶騙給阻止帶開了
好不容易到了門口, 結果5點就不能進去了, 我們是25分抵逹的, 現場有另一位媽媽正在安撫她兒子
我們兒子似乎不是很在乎不能進去, 但之前屢次遭勸阻不能玩, 不知道是否造成他的挫折.
而這個人滿為患的大場地, 除了市場人多外, 兒童遊戲場也是一堆小朋友和家長
再加上有些角落充滿一撮怪怪的人, 讓我對這裏的觀感極差
大概除了去動物園外, 我們是不會再去那裏晃了
無奈假日市場的一處門口因施工而關閉, 只好繞行穿越假日市場
看來此處是行之有年的攤販集散地, 攤子之多, 不可勝數
以前常和女朋友逛台北的通化夜市, 規模卻是比之小了足足好幾號
但是牽著兒子的手, 他看到很多的誘惑, 差點就走不完這段繞著新竹體育場的路了
也許是我太吝嗇, 或者是我一向對這種擁擠和骯髒沒有好感
所以兒子看到撈魚, 推高球的遊戲, 自動上坐, 但是還是被我連哄帶騙給阻止帶開了
好不容易到了門口, 結果5點就不能進去了, 我們是25分抵逹的, 現場有另一位媽媽正在安撫她兒子
我們兒子似乎不是很在乎不能進去, 但之前屢次遭勸阻不能玩, 不知道是否造成他的挫折.
而這個人滿為患的大場地, 除了市場人多外, 兒童遊戲場也是一堆小朋友和家長
再加上有些角落充滿一撮怪怪的人, 讓我對這裏的觀感極差
大概除了去動物園外, 我們是不會再去那裏晃了
Thursday, August 17, 2006
如果你喜歡當楚門的世界的主人翁, 也許就會覺得他們太心胸狹窄了, 但是大家都知道劇中的Jim Carey最後拒絕再讓世人窺探他的生活, 所以設身處地為他們著想的話, 但能明白他們如此反應的原因了
為什麼記者被法警打, 只有媒體自己為自己出聲, (形象敗壞的人) 到了受委曲時, 竟然得不到正義的相援, 這是為什麼?
凡事反求諸己, 願與大家共勉之
如果你喜歡當楚門的世界的主人翁, 也許就會覺得他們太心胸狹窄了, 但是大家都知道劇中的Jim Carey最後拒絕再讓世人窺探他的生活, 所以設身處地為他們著想的話, 但能明白他們如此反應的原因了
為什麼記者被法警打, 只有媒體自己為自己出聲, (形象敗壞的人) 到了受委曲時, 竟然得不到正義的相援, 這是為什麼?
凡事反求諸己, 願與大家共勉之
伏地挺身(push ups)
最近最穩定做的運動是伏地挺身, 這都要感謝我的三歲兒子.
每個爸爸都有給小孩當馬騎的經驗, 而我則雞婆地加上伏地挺身的動作, 並且數數, 或者說"up and down", 從此, 這個遊戲被賦予這個名字.
每天晚上, 不一定要念故事, 不一定要玩軌道車, 可是不能不玩"up and down".
其實做起來還真不輕鬆, 想想自己以前在部隊裏, 天天做100個臉不紅氣不喘, 還可以加個100下仰卧起做, 可是這將近15公斤在身上坐, 連20下都得分期付款, 真是歲月不饒人了.
不過得感謝他的"鞭策", 才能讓我偷懶之餘決少不了這個活動筋骨的機會
每個爸爸都有給小孩當馬騎的經驗, 而我則雞婆地加上伏地挺身的動作, 並且數數, 或者說"up and down", 從此, 這個遊戲被賦予這個名字.
每天晚上, 不一定要念故事, 不一定要玩軌道車, 可是不能不玩"up and down".
其實做起來還真不輕鬆, 想想自己以前在部隊裏, 天天做100個臉不紅氣不喘, 還可以加個100下仰卧起做, 可是這將近15公斤在身上坐, 連20下都得分期付款, 真是歲月不饒人了.
不過得感謝他的"鞭策", 才能讓我偷懶之餘決少不了這個活動筋骨的機會
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
my work
Thanks to the high technology to support multi-vdd for IC designs (allowing for less power consumption due to controllable voltage input for cells), I am working in a short time to support schematic view showing different colors for different instances.
Gosh! This is fun but also very challenging.
Gosh! This is fun but also very challenging.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Father's day
本來要去吃古拉爵的, 可是竟然預約已滿了>_<
六福村可以帶我兒子去玩,只要88元, 超便宜的, 可是...還要跟公司請假, 划不來
就這樣, 還是跟平常一樣的過就好了(咳...)
生活中除了家庭, 工作, 就是龍博士了, 似乎不把它全破就無法干休似的
第8階段, 第9階段都剩幾關沒搞定, 第10階段更是剛開始闖而已
有些關卡實在想不通, 大概還有個月可以破那本小小的第3冊了
本來要去吃古拉爵的, 可是竟然預約已滿了>_<
六福村可以帶我兒子去玩,只要88元, 超便宜的, 可是...還要跟公司請假, 划不來
就這樣, 還是跟平常一樣的過就好了(咳...)
生活中除了家庭, 工作, 就是龍博士了, 似乎不把它全破就無法干休似的
第8階段, 第9階段都剩幾關沒搞定, 第10階段更是剛開始闖而已
有些關卡實在想不通, 大概還有個月可以破那本小小的第3冊了
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
lonpos pyramid - 2
This game is wonderful.
I've checked ebay, no one is selling it.
But if you browse www.lon-pos.com, you'll know why it attracted me and my 3-year-old son.
When I took it to my office, it soon caught interest from colleagues. But the bad news is I have to hear the sound of playing it when I myself wanted to enjoy the puzzle challeges.
I am maintaining a schedule to finish book-3 at the speed of solving 2 problems each day, hoping to finish the book (108 problems totally) in 2 months, to exchange it for prizes that the compamy is providing. For details, look for yourself. I have done enough commercials.
I've checked ebay, no one is selling it.
But if you browse www.lon-pos.com, you'll know why it attracted me and my 3-year-old son.
When I took it to my office, it soon caught interest from colleagues. But the bad news is I have to hear the sound of playing it when I myself wanted to enjoy the puzzle challeges.
I am maintaining a schedule to finish book-3 at the speed of solving 2 problems each day, hoping to finish the book (108 problems totally) in 2 months, to exchange it for prizes that the compamy is providing. For details, look for yourself. I have done enough commercials.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
insomnia - 2
I can't understand, after another week, my wife is suffering from insomnia again.
I have no idea why this would come back.
She is not under great pressure, and she is living regularly. She is not on alcohol, drug, coffee or anthing that's abnormal.
From, last Tuesday, she suffered from this continuously for 3 days, then things got better afterwards. From Friday, her sleeping were almost back to normal. But last night, that same problem came back.
She is drinking milk (she never touches milk) each night before going to bed, and taking chinese medicine which helps to relax. I have no idea why this still happens. We prayed and hoped that she could fall asleep when half the night had passed. Still when I dressed up for work, she hadn't fallen asleep at all.
This is really a big test to our familly, and I really hope that God could make it go away.
I have no idea why this would come back.
She is not under great pressure, and she is living regularly. She is not on alcohol, drug, coffee or anthing that's abnormal.
From, last Tuesday, she suffered from this continuously for 3 days, then things got better afterwards. From Friday, her sleeping were almost back to normal. But last night, that same problem came back.
She is drinking milk (she never touches milk) each night before going to bed, and taking chinese medicine which helps to relax. I have no idea why this still happens. We prayed and hoped that she could fall asleep when half the night had passed. Still when I dressed up for work, she hadn't fallen asleep at all.
This is really a big test to our familly, and I really hope that God could make it go away.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
以前的我(在念書時)常認為睡覺是一種時間的浪費, 也常熬夜看小說跟打電腦遊戲.
開始工作了, 卻發現每天沒有睡個7小時以上, 第二天的疲勞就明顯很多.
對於神經大條, 容易睡著的我來說, 失眠通常來自喝茶.
自從避免這個行為, 這個名詞就與我絕緣了
我太太卻在日前突然發生失眠, 一連就是三個晚上, 回想開始的當天, 沒有辦法追朔可能發生的原因. 經過吃中藥, 喝桂格睡前養生素, 和一顆朋友提供的大腦鬆弛藥丸, 以及四物湯的加持下, 將中藥師診斷過虛的身體慢慢調整起來. 星期二持續到星期五的慘痛夜晚, 終於星期五晚睡眠有恢復. 到現在總算是恢復正常了.
對於很容易入睡的我而言, 實在很難體會三天只睡三小時是什麼滋味, 但是家庭當時籠罩在不安的氣氛中.
健康真的是很重要, 常常我們在擔心我們錢少少, 然而當我們從大病中回健康時, 我們所擁有的實在超過我們所想像的. 在我們感歎錢難賺的時候, 反而更應該感謝主給我們健康的身體去實踐我們計畫想做的事.
我自己也很高興這件事暫告一段落, 而我太太原本完全不碰奶製品的, 現在倒天天一杯自泡的牛奶, 不又再一次驗證"萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得著益處"?
開始工作了, 卻發現每天沒有睡個7小時以上, 第二天的疲勞就明顯很多.
對於神經大條, 容易睡著的我來說, 失眠通常來自喝茶.
自從避免這個行為, 這個名詞就與我絕緣了
我太太卻在日前突然發生失眠, 一連就是三個晚上, 回想開始的當天, 沒有辦法追朔可能發生的原因. 經過吃中藥, 喝桂格睡前養生素, 和一顆朋友提供的大腦鬆弛藥丸, 以及四物湯的加持下, 將中藥師診斷過虛的身體慢慢調整起來. 星期二持續到星期五的慘痛夜晚, 終於星期五晚睡眠有恢復. 到現在總算是恢復正常了.
對於很容易入睡的我而言, 實在很難體會三天只睡三小時是什麼滋味, 但是家庭當時籠罩在不安的氣氛中.
健康真的是很重要, 常常我們在擔心我們錢少少, 然而當我們從大病中回健康時, 我們所擁有的實在超過我們所想像的. 在我們感歎錢難賺的時候, 反而更應該感謝主給我們健康的身體去實踐我們計畫想做的事.
我自己也很高興這件事暫告一段落, 而我太太原本完全不碰奶製品的, 現在倒天天一杯自泡的牛奶, 不又再一次驗證"萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得著益處"?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Air Supply's farewell concert
沒辦法, 我就是沒辦法忘記這件事
Air Supply空中補給又來台灣了
他們開的演唱會又叫做farewell concert了
套一句ICRT主持人的話, They are having their 5th farewell concert in Taiwan
基本上我對Air Supply是有好感的, 每次聽主唱在"Making love out of nothing at all"這一首歌裏高亢的聲音, 就會對他肅然起敬, 這是他們的特色
他們從很早就對台灣有好感, 可能是最多來台灣演唱的歐美團體了, 而台灣也沒有虧待他們, 每每以熱情來迎接他們來表演
不過farewell了那麼多次, 依舊開farewell演唱會, 不免讓人想起"原價1999, 特價999, 要買要快, 限時搶購" 結果過了一年, 還是可以用999買到, 不如直接賣999就好了不是嗎?
我想如果不用farewell, 應該賣的演唱會票, 不會少一張的
ICRT的主持人, 當時的口吻, 相信也是對farewell頗有微詞的
不過人家也唱完了, 也走了
我倒希望這不是他們真正的farewell concert ,畢竟他們的歌真是好聽
Air Supply空中補給又來台灣了
他們開的演唱會又叫做farewell concert了
套一句ICRT主持人的話, They are having their 5th farewell concert in Taiwan
基本上我對Air Supply是有好感的, 每次聽主唱在"Making love out of nothing at all"這一首歌裏高亢的聲音, 就會對他肅然起敬, 這是他們的特色
他們從很早就對台灣有好感, 可能是最多來台灣演唱的歐美團體了, 而台灣也沒有虧待他們, 每每以熱情來迎接他們來表演
不過farewell了那麼多次, 依舊開farewell演唱會, 不免讓人想起"原價1999, 特價999, 要買要快, 限時搶購" 結果過了一年, 還是可以用999買到, 不如直接賣999就好了不是嗎?
我想如果不用farewell, 應該賣的演唱會票, 不會少一張的
ICRT的主持人, 當時的口吻, 相信也是對farewell頗有微詞的
不過人家也唱完了, 也走了
我倒希望這不是他們真正的farewell concert ,畢竟他們的歌真是好聽
Monday, July 17, 2006
core dump
I never knew what this meant before I started to work. But the coworkers seem to be either serious about the situation when it comes to this term or they would make jokes about it.
After 1.5 years of working as a software engineer, now I am quite familiar with it and deals with it almost everyday.
To be more exact, it is an segmentation fail. When this happens, your program failed out of your expectations. If your customer encounters this while running your program, things could go very ugly. You should by all means try to avoid this to take place in any matters.
To look back, I still wonder why I am here dealing with potential core dumps and quality assurance of codes as well as writing codes. I don't even have any degree of computer science. Well, I guess God has his plan on me and leads me here for some reason. And, I am working happily here so far. the only thing that concerns me is that I have to look at the monitor everyday for hours. I hope my eyes and my body would get enough rest from this continuous pose.
Just got many tasks worked out and I am going to relax myself a bit.
After 1.5 years of working as a software engineer, now I am quite familiar with it and deals with it almost everyday.
To be more exact, it is an segmentation fail. When this happens, your program failed out of your expectations. If your customer encounters this while running your program, things could go very ugly. You should by all means try to avoid this to take place in any matters.
To look back, I still wonder why I am here dealing with potential core dumps and quality assurance of codes as well as writing codes. I don't even have any degree of computer science. Well, I guess God has his plan on me and leads me here for some reason. And, I am working happily here so far. the only thing that concerns me is that I have to look at the monitor everyday for hours. I hope my eyes and my body would get enough rest from this continuous pose.
Just got many tasks worked out and I am going to relax myself a bit.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
lonpos pyramid
最近迷上了龍博士金字塔, 原因卻是朋友買給自己的小孩訓練腦力, 於是我們家也跟進買來給剛滿三歳的兒子.
結果, 我發現自己也深陷這個動腦的遊戲中, 有時跟我兒子, 一個人玩一副
還好這個遊戲有兩副(給人比賽用的), 所以我們不用爭著玩
看著我兒子一關一關的解題, 並從解決問題中獲得成就感, 一方面喜悅他的專注, 也為他的聰明感到驕傲
有時看著他邊想邊唱歌, 覺得這真是另一種腦部的刺激和親子的共處
當然第一冊就已經出現讓他無法解出的題目了, 而挫折感就讓他跑開去玩小汽車
就這樣, 星期五到貨的遊戲, 幾乎把我們正事以外的時間都填滿了
結果, 我發現自己也深陷這個動腦的遊戲中, 有時跟我兒子, 一個人玩一副
還好這個遊戲有兩副(給人比賽用的), 所以我們不用爭著玩
看著我兒子一關一關的解題, 並從解決問題中獲得成就感, 一方面喜悅他的專注, 也為他的聰明感到驕傲
有時看著他邊想邊唱歌, 覺得這真是另一種腦部的刺激和親子的共處
當然第一冊就已經出現讓他無法解出的題目了, 而挫折感就讓他跑開去玩小汽車
就這樣, 星期五到貨的遊戲, 幾乎把我們正事以外的時間都填滿了
Friday, July 14, 2006
My son's English
Because we came back to Taiwan when my son was of one and a half age, we kept speaking English to him. But the conversations between me and my wife was mainly Mandarin. I guess my son was confused by those coexisting languages, so he spoke late.
Recently we surveyed from the book and knew that each parent should only speak one language to prevent from the kids getting confused. After an evaluation by a doctor who eagerly wanted to make some money out of suggesting our son to attend treatment class from his diagnosing him being seriously retarded in socializing and speaking, we took advices from another doctor who had more experiences with bi-lingual children and started to let him contact kids of similar ages. My wife also restricted her languages to speak only Mandarin, while I started to speak only English both to my wife and to my son.
One month has passed since the evaluation, and my son has somehow picked up many words and sentences. It was so amazing. The interesting part is when it comes to terminologies, such as "ostrich", "flower", he would choose to say them in English, but sentences such as "Look, my hands are washed clean" would be said in Mandarin. "我的手洗乾淨了, 你看"
Because my wife stays with him all the day, his Mandarin is starting to get even better than his English. Now we are worried that he might stop to make progresses in learning English. Guess I have to work harder on that part when I come home.
Recently we surveyed from the book and knew that each parent should only speak one language to prevent from the kids getting confused. After an evaluation by a doctor who eagerly wanted to make some money out of suggesting our son to attend treatment class from his diagnosing him being seriously retarded in socializing and speaking, we took advices from another doctor who had more experiences with bi-lingual children and started to let him contact kids of similar ages. My wife also restricted her languages to speak only Mandarin, while I started to speak only English both to my wife and to my son.
One month has passed since the evaluation, and my son has somehow picked up many words and sentences. It was so amazing. The interesting part is when it comes to terminologies, such as "ostrich", "flower", he would choose to say them in English, but sentences such as "Look, my hands are washed clean" would be said in Mandarin. "我的手洗乾淨了, 你看"
Because my wife stays with him all the day, his Mandarin is starting to get even better than his English. Now we are worried that he might stop to make progresses in learning English. Guess I have to work harder on that part when I come home.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
my photo image

This photo was taken in Hurrican Ridge, Port Angeles, WA in 2000 (Wow! 6 years ago?).
I like the place because it's only 1.5 hrs from Seattle where we lived.
On the way there, we could take ferries, drive along the shore, and visit the beautiful Port Angeles City which faces the sea and leans the Olympic mountains.
If time is allowed, you could also take another ferry and visit Victoria Island (it's as big as Taiwan)
The start
對於另外兩位先生對待妻子的高姿態, 想想自己還算是新好男人了
總之, 這是我的第一個post
可是老婆喜歡看我的日記, 所以不敢再寫了
但這段時間的記憶, 具體的就只有照片和攝影的影片了
對於另外兩位先生對待妻子的高姿態, 想想自己還算是新好男人了
總之, 這是我的第一個post
可是老婆喜歡看我的日記, 所以不敢再寫了
但這段時間的記憶, 具體的就只有照片和攝影的影片了
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