Tuesday, August 22, 2006


朋友的家裏養了魚和狗, 看在老婆眼裏, 覺得應該讓兒子也有個動物朋友在家裏
同為生手的我和老婆, 到了水簇館, 宛如城市鄉巴佬一般, 看著各式各樣的硬體 (缸, 燈, 過濾器, 砂, 裝飾品) 和軟體 (魚, 草), 東挑西撿, 竟也花了1900元, 真是失血啊

回家還得工作說, 洗砂, 裝砂, 倒藥水, 補水, 裝燈, 裝過濾器, 插水草, 放入小小風車, 這才算是完成魚缸部分, 再過2,3 天買個小魚, 這樣才會結束開始的部分

不過兒子似乎很興奮, 也許會納悶為什麼沒有魚吧
活了這麼久, 養魚卻也是第一次而已, 算是長了智慧了, 多虧我們家兒子


Benjamin Wu said...

Nice to find your blog here. I enjoy reading about your son's bilingual learning process, and am sorry about your wife's insomnia. I have experienced it several times, and it would kill a person. Please keep writing. I believe many are waiting to read, including your wife!

Samuel Liang said...

She doesn't know about it. Last time I stopped writing diary was due to her curiosity (which killed the cat). This time I'm gonna keep it a secret as long as possible(Shhh...). Let's see if she finds it 20 years later.