列王紀下 14 : 1~ 16
歷代志下 25 章
列王紀下 11祭司耶和耶大在第七年安排了一場王室中興,在三處分配好兵力,將亞他利雅的篡位王朝結束掉,並除掉了巴力祭司瑪坦。約阿施做王40年,原先他有意修整聖殿,但直到做王23年,仍一事無成,募得款項由祭司處理,效率不彰,因此改由耶和耶大將募得銀子交由修築工人去完成修殿工事。而後亞蘭的哈薛王來襲,約阿施沒有依靠耶和華與之對抗,輕易地把聖殿王宮府庫的金子交出去換取一時的安定,然後竟然被臣僕背叛刺殺結束王位,雖然是好王,卻在外交內政成效不佳,治理上缺乏智慧,在需要依靠耶和華時,選擇依靠自己的判斷,以致修殿要等到放手給耶和耶大去執行才有成果。
列王紀上 十五:9 ~ 34
歷代志下 十四章 ~ 十六章
MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) MQ stands for IBM product series, but now also stands for Message Queues.
To publish or receive messages, publishers and subscribers only need to know the hostname/IP and port of the broker. (Space Decoupling)
Although most MQTT use cases deliver messages in near-real time, if desired, the broker can store messages for clients that are not online. (Time Decoupling) => In our case, if client is not online, message is dismissed.
Because most client libraries work asynchronously and are based on callbacks or a similar model, tasks are not blocked while waiting for a message or publishing a message. (Synchronization Decoupling)
An MQTT works as a broker which filters message between server and client with (1) subject based filter (hierarchical structurized topics such as navi/itinerary/uuid) (2) content based filter (probably not a good idea) (3) type based filter (OO thinking).
A message queue stores message until they are consumed When you use a message queue, each incoming message is stored in the queue until it is picked up by a client (often called a consumer). => If no suscriber exists, broker could destroy the message and acknowledge to server.
A message is only consumed by one client Another big difference is that in a traditional message queue a message can be processed by one consumer only. => In MQTT, every subscriber that subscribes to the topic gets the message.
Queues are named and must be created explicitly Only after the queue is named and created is it possible to publish or consume messages. => In MQTT, topics are extremely flexible and can be created on the fly. (Not quite sure how on the fly can they be created. Shouldn't publisher and suscriber know the topics beforehead?)
An MQTT client is any device (from a micro controller up to a full-fledged server) that runs an MQTT library and connects to an MQTT broker over a network. => so everyone is client, everyone can be publisher / suscriber, the roll changes according to behavior at the moment.
The broker is responsible for receiving all messages, filtering the messages, determining who is subscribed to each message, and sending the message to these subscribed clients. => seems convenient that broker does it all.
The MQTT protocol is based on TCP/IP.To initiate a connection, the client sends a CONNECT message to the broker. The broker responds with a CONNACK message and a status code. In many common use cases, the MQTT client is located behind a router that uses network address translation (NAT) to translate from a private network address (like 192.168.x.x, 10.0.x.x) to a public facing address. => No problem regarding connection.
本週二中午跑了3公里,週三中午也跑了3公里,加上今天早上的4公里,身體應付起來還可以,日前看到館長說當兵時3公里都要在 13 分鐘完成,批評現今網傳15分鐘完成很難是不應該的,我則皆以6公里/時開始,漸漸加快到12公里/時,因此跑到3公里時,約為15分半的時間,以前在成功嶺時,也只記得有晨跑,沒有像館長說的下午也跑,晚上還伏地挺身那麼操,不過我只在意我現今能否維持一週8公里的低水準要求,目前已經跑了10公里,明天中午再跑一下,我已經滿足了。
趁著將前同事留下的電腦(規格比我現有的好很多) 結合新買的ACER 512G SSD打造WIN10的工作環境,除了用前文所提的MediaCreationTool21H2.exe造出的USB隨身碟開機碟外,映像建立部分,映像還原部分完全沒有用到,直接用USB開機後重新安裝了WIN10,接下來則是安裝需要的軟體。
(1) Araxis.Merge 比對程式碼
(2) SourceInsight3.5 編輯程式,以系統管理者開啟cmd,再執行安裝檔
(3) android-ndk-r11c-windows-x86_64 Android版本的ndk
(4) jdk-8u291-windows-x64 Android Studio安裝會需要的java環境
(5) smartsvn-windows-setup-11_0_4 與server之間的程式管理
(6) android-studio-2021.2.1.15-windows : Android Studio最近版本
(7) thonny-py38-4.0.0b3 簡單的python執行
(8) DropboxInstaller 用來做小檔案公用,可以在公司家裏接力編輯
(9) PotPlayerSetup64 播放影片音樂用
(10) npp.8.4.2.Installer.x64 編輯一般文字檔用
(11) Microsoft Visual Studio 2009 (8.0) PC版本開發用
(12) cmake-3.11.4-win64-x64 產生cmake環境用
(13) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 直接把Program Files(X86)底下整個資料夾copy過來
(14) emed64_17.3.1 : 另一個編輯文字檔用的
(15) VA_X_Setup2042 讓VS的程式也能如同source insight一樣的功能
(16) adb 與機器之間重要溝通機制,需設path
(17) Insta360_Studio_2020_Winx64_3.5.5_20201111 可以播放insta 360的檔案
(18) ADBDriverInstaller 如果遇到adb無法辨認的機器,需要此軟體輔助
(19) HyperSnap-DX5 要截圖的重要工具
(20) 7-Zip : 可以看apk內容的解壓縮軟體
(21) Open Office 在Microsoft Office不可用的情況下,免費的選擇
(22) emule 0.49c 抓影片用
(23) 公司網路遇到進不去問題,改用本機帳號才得到解決
7/7 補充
關於emule: 將原本可以接通的ethernet線接過來就可以了