幾經3次core dump, 連大老闆都驚動了, 我都覺得飯碗不保了
今天下午要到客戶那邊去收集core dump 的資料, 說起來這家下訂單全靠這個bug 能不能解.
可喜的是, bug不是出在我加的code, 可是整個gui 都已經交接給我了, 所以這邊出問題, 全部責任都要歸我, 還好資深的RD還在公司(那部分code是他寫的), 所以narrow down問題的原因成了我這次出訪的首要任務
說起來累積到3次core dump仍無對策是很寃的事:
第一次AE拿了沒有patch過(新加的程式沒有進入該版本)的 gui 程式去run, 造成core dump沒有任何辦法解讀
第二次, 知道在那裏了, 於是根據結果加入message並猜測可能的原因, 再去一次
第三次, 還是死掉, 終於驚動大老闆了, 由於加入的message的方式是print在screen上面而沒搜集到log file裏頭, 造成仍然沒有有效地知道garbage address是什麼, 這次是我的疏忽
第四次出訪, 雖然未必能解決問題, 但是至少要知道的更多一些才是
而且離開了公司的保護傘, 到人家地盤, 緊張是難免的
我們是一人一個cubicle, 人家是4人一個cubicle, 到時難免會有關愛的眼神@_@
哎, 都黑到這個地步, 也只有努力衝了
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Well done, Samuel
My working machine was out of order this morning, so I asked the MIS people to fix the problem. Meanwhile, I couldn't do anything because my implemented codes were all in that machine.
Other coworkers suggested me to sync the codes to another machine so when the similar situation is encountered, I could still work on the other machine and won't have to suffer from the waiting.
Once my machice was back to order, I wrote a serial commands to sync the codes. What was missing was that I thought I successfully logged into the backup machine, but I wasn't. When I ran the commands and deleted the codes from the particular folder, I actually removed all original codes from my working machine instead of my backup machine.
What a disaster! I spent another 3 hours to restore what I have implemented for the last few days. Gladly I still had them in my mind.
I really hope this "well done" job would not be done again.
Other coworkers suggested me to sync the codes to another machine so when the similar situation is encountered, I could still work on the other machine and won't have to suffer from the waiting.
Once my machice was back to order, I wrote a serial commands to sync the codes. What was missing was that I thought I successfully logged into the backup machine, but I wasn't. When I ran the commands and deleted the codes from the particular folder, I actually removed all original codes from my working machine instead of my backup machine.
What a disaster! I spent another 3 hours to restore what I have implemented for the last few days. Gladly I still had them in my mind.
I really hope this "well done" job would not be done again.
中斷一年半的詩班服事, 終於我又鼓起勇氣參加了新竹勝利堂的詩班, 不過只參與任務型的服事, 即聖誔節和復活節的獻詩
對很多人, 唱彌賽亞可能是家常便飯, 我老婆的姐姐在懷寧街擔任崇拜傳道, 她說她教會已經唱很多次了. 我們在美國的教會原本有機會唱到, 也已練了數首了, 無奈指揮突然需要開刀, 臨時換陣後, 此計畫也無疾而終.
這次勝利堂也決定要唱了, 而我也見識到這個新竹最大教會的詩班的強力素質了. 一練詩就是2小時. 指揮練詩很有效率, 司琴也是國家級獨奏的狠角色(這樣講好像有點過火了, 不過, 可以聽得出來, 不是以前看到的一般的司琴)
總之, 能參與到這個盛事, 對我來說也算是畢生榮性, 當然如果能多唱幾次, 就好像累積冠軍奬盃一樣更讓人興奮了
對很多人, 唱彌賽亞可能是家常便飯, 我老婆的姐姐在懷寧街擔任崇拜傳道, 她說她教會已經唱很多次了. 我們在美國的教會原本有機會唱到, 也已練了數首了, 無奈指揮突然需要開刀, 臨時換陣後, 此計畫也無疾而終.
這次勝利堂也決定要唱了, 而我也見識到這個新竹最大教會的詩班的強力素質了. 一練詩就是2小時. 指揮練詩很有效率, 司琴也是國家級獨奏的狠角色(這樣講好像有點過火了, 不過, 可以聽得出來, 不是以前看到的一般的司琴)
總之, 能參與到這個盛事, 對我來說也算是畢生榮性, 當然如果能多唱幾次, 就好像累積冠軍奬盃一樣更讓人興奮了
100 blessings
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