This game is wonderful.
I've checked ebay, no one is selling it.
But if you browse, you'll know why it attracted me and my 3-year-old son.
When I took it to my office, it soon caught interest from colleagues. But the bad news is I have to hear the sound of playing it when I myself wanted to enjoy the puzzle challeges.
I am maintaining a schedule to finish book-3 at the speed of solving 2 problems each day, hoping to finish the book (108 problems totally) in 2 months, to exchange it for prizes that the compamy is providing. For details, look for yourself. I have done enough commercials.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
insomnia - 2
I can't understand, after another week, my wife is suffering from insomnia again.
I have no idea why this would come back.
She is not under great pressure, and she is living regularly. She is not on alcohol, drug, coffee or anthing that's abnormal.
From, last Tuesday, she suffered from this continuously for 3 days, then things got better afterwards. From Friday, her sleeping were almost back to normal. But last night, that same problem came back.
She is drinking milk (she never touches milk) each night before going to bed, and taking chinese medicine which helps to relax. I have no idea why this still happens. We prayed and hoped that she could fall asleep when half the night had passed. Still when I dressed up for work, she hadn't fallen asleep at all.
This is really a big test to our familly, and I really hope that God could make it go away.
I have no idea why this would come back.
She is not under great pressure, and she is living regularly. She is not on alcohol, drug, coffee or anthing that's abnormal.
From, last Tuesday, she suffered from this continuously for 3 days, then things got better afterwards. From Friday, her sleeping were almost back to normal. But last night, that same problem came back.
She is drinking milk (she never touches milk) each night before going to bed, and taking chinese medicine which helps to relax. I have no idea why this still happens. We prayed and hoped that she could fall asleep when half the night had passed. Still when I dressed up for work, she hadn't fallen asleep at all.
This is really a big test to our familly, and I really hope that God could make it go away.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
以前的我(在念書時)常認為睡覺是一種時間的浪費, 也常熬夜看小說跟打電腦遊戲.
開始工作了, 卻發現每天沒有睡個7小時以上, 第二天的疲勞就明顯很多.
對於神經大條, 容易睡著的我來說, 失眠通常來自喝茶.
自從避免這個行為, 這個名詞就與我絕緣了
我太太卻在日前突然發生失眠, 一連就是三個晚上, 回想開始的當天, 沒有辦法追朔可能發生的原因. 經過吃中藥, 喝桂格睡前養生素, 和一顆朋友提供的大腦鬆弛藥丸, 以及四物湯的加持下, 將中藥師診斷過虛的身體慢慢調整起來. 星期二持續到星期五的慘痛夜晚, 終於星期五晚睡眠有恢復. 到現在總算是恢復正常了.
對於很容易入睡的我而言, 實在很難體會三天只睡三小時是什麼滋味, 但是家庭當時籠罩在不安的氣氛中.
健康真的是很重要, 常常我們在擔心我們錢少少, 然而當我們從大病中回健康時, 我們所擁有的實在超過我們所想像的. 在我們感歎錢難賺的時候, 反而更應該感謝主給我們健康的身體去實踐我們計畫想做的事.
我自己也很高興這件事暫告一段落, 而我太太原本完全不碰奶製品的, 現在倒天天一杯自泡的牛奶, 不又再一次驗證"萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得著益處"?
開始工作了, 卻發現每天沒有睡個7小時以上, 第二天的疲勞就明顯很多.
對於神經大條, 容易睡著的我來說, 失眠通常來自喝茶.
自從避免這個行為, 這個名詞就與我絕緣了
我太太卻在日前突然發生失眠, 一連就是三個晚上, 回想開始的當天, 沒有辦法追朔可能發生的原因. 經過吃中藥, 喝桂格睡前養生素, 和一顆朋友提供的大腦鬆弛藥丸, 以及四物湯的加持下, 將中藥師診斷過虛的身體慢慢調整起來. 星期二持續到星期五的慘痛夜晚, 終於星期五晚睡眠有恢復. 到現在總算是恢復正常了.
對於很容易入睡的我而言, 實在很難體會三天只睡三小時是什麼滋味, 但是家庭當時籠罩在不安的氣氛中.
健康真的是很重要, 常常我們在擔心我們錢少少, 然而當我們從大病中回健康時, 我們所擁有的實在超過我們所想像的. 在我們感歎錢難賺的時候, 反而更應該感謝主給我們健康的身體去實踐我們計畫想做的事.
我自己也很高興這件事暫告一段落, 而我太太原本完全不碰奶製品的, 現在倒天天一杯自泡的牛奶, 不又再一次驗證"萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得著益處"?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Air Supply's farewell concert
沒辦法, 我就是沒辦法忘記這件事
Air Supply空中補給又來台灣了
他們開的演唱會又叫做farewell concert了
套一句ICRT主持人的話, They are having their 5th farewell concert in Taiwan
基本上我對Air Supply是有好感的, 每次聽主唱在"Making love out of nothing at all"這一首歌裏高亢的聲音, 就會對他肅然起敬, 這是他們的特色
他們從很早就對台灣有好感, 可能是最多來台灣演唱的歐美團體了, 而台灣也沒有虧待他們, 每每以熱情來迎接他們來表演
不過farewell了那麼多次, 依舊開farewell演唱會, 不免讓人想起"原價1999, 特價999, 要買要快, 限時搶購" 結果過了一年, 還是可以用999買到, 不如直接賣999就好了不是嗎?
我想如果不用farewell, 應該賣的演唱會票, 不會少一張的
ICRT的主持人, 當時的口吻, 相信也是對farewell頗有微詞的
不過人家也唱完了, 也走了
我倒希望這不是他們真正的farewell concert ,畢竟他們的歌真是好聽
Air Supply空中補給又來台灣了
他們開的演唱會又叫做farewell concert了
套一句ICRT主持人的話, They are having their 5th farewell concert in Taiwan
基本上我對Air Supply是有好感的, 每次聽主唱在"Making love out of nothing at all"這一首歌裏高亢的聲音, 就會對他肅然起敬, 這是他們的特色
他們從很早就對台灣有好感, 可能是最多來台灣演唱的歐美團體了, 而台灣也沒有虧待他們, 每每以熱情來迎接他們來表演
不過farewell了那麼多次, 依舊開farewell演唱會, 不免讓人想起"原價1999, 特價999, 要買要快, 限時搶購" 結果過了一年, 還是可以用999買到, 不如直接賣999就好了不是嗎?
我想如果不用farewell, 應該賣的演唱會票, 不會少一張的
ICRT的主持人, 當時的口吻, 相信也是對farewell頗有微詞的
不過人家也唱完了, 也走了
我倒希望這不是他們真正的farewell concert ,畢竟他們的歌真是好聽
Monday, July 17, 2006
core dump
I never knew what this meant before I started to work. But the coworkers seem to be either serious about the situation when it comes to this term or they would make jokes about it.
After 1.5 years of working as a software engineer, now I am quite familiar with it and deals with it almost everyday.
To be more exact, it is an segmentation fail. When this happens, your program failed out of your expectations. If your customer encounters this while running your program, things could go very ugly. You should by all means try to avoid this to take place in any matters.
To look back, I still wonder why I am here dealing with potential core dumps and quality assurance of codes as well as writing codes. I don't even have any degree of computer science. Well, I guess God has his plan on me and leads me here for some reason. And, I am working happily here so far. the only thing that concerns me is that I have to look at the monitor everyday for hours. I hope my eyes and my body would get enough rest from this continuous pose.
Just got many tasks worked out and I am going to relax myself a bit.
After 1.5 years of working as a software engineer, now I am quite familiar with it and deals with it almost everyday.
To be more exact, it is an segmentation fail. When this happens, your program failed out of your expectations. If your customer encounters this while running your program, things could go very ugly. You should by all means try to avoid this to take place in any matters.
To look back, I still wonder why I am here dealing with potential core dumps and quality assurance of codes as well as writing codes. I don't even have any degree of computer science. Well, I guess God has his plan on me and leads me here for some reason. And, I am working happily here so far. the only thing that concerns me is that I have to look at the monitor everyday for hours. I hope my eyes and my body would get enough rest from this continuous pose.
Just got many tasks worked out and I am going to relax myself a bit.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
lonpos pyramid
最近迷上了龍博士金字塔, 原因卻是朋友買給自己的小孩訓練腦力, 於是我們家也跟進買來給剛滿三歳的兒子.
結果, 我發現自己也深陷這個動腦的遊戲中, 有時跟我兒子, 一個人玩一副
還好這個遊戲有兩副(給人比賽用的), 所以我們不用爭著玩
看著我兒子一關一關的解題, 並從解決問題中獲得成就感, 一方面喜悅他的專注, 也為他的聰明感到驕傲
有時看著他邊想邊唱歌, 覺得這真是另一種腦部的刺激和親子的共處
當然第一冊就已經出現讓他無法解出的題目了, 而挫折感就讓他跑開去玩小汽車
就這樣, 星期五到貨的遊戲, 幾乎把我們正事以外的時間都填滿了
結果, 我發現自己也深陷這個動腦的遊戲中, 有時跟我兒子, 一個人玩一副
還好這個遊戲有兩副(給人比賽用的), 所以我們不用爭著玩
看著我兒子一關一關的解題, 並從解決問題中獲得成就感, 一方面喜悅他的專注, 也為他的聰明感到驕傲
有時看著他邊想邊唱歌, 覺得這真是另一種腦部的刺激和親子的共處
當然第一冊就已經出現讓他無法解出的題目了, 而挫折感就讓他跑開去玩小汽車
就這樣, 星期五到貨的遊戲, 幾乎把我們正事以外的時間都填滿了
Friday, July 14, 2006
My son's English
Because we came back to Taiwan when my son was of one and a half age, we kept speaking English to him. But the conversations between me and my wife was mainly Mandarin. I guess my son was confused by those coexisting languages, so he spoke late.
Recently we surveyed from the book and knew that each parent should only speak one language to prevent from the kids getting confused. After an evaluation by a doctor who eagerly wanted to make some money out of suggesting our son to attend treatment class from his diagnosing him being seriously retarded in socializing and speaking, we took advices from another doctor who had more experiences with bi-lingual children and started to let him contact kids of similar ages. My wife also restricted her languages to speak only Mandarin, while I started to speak only English both to my wife and to my son.
One month has passed since the evaluation, and my son has somehow picked up many words and sentences. It was so amazing. The interesting part is when it comes to terminologies, such as "ostrich", "flower", he would choose to say them in English, but sentences such as "Look, my hands are washed clean" would be said in Mandarin. "我的手洗乾淨了, 你看"
Because my wife stays with him all the day, his Mandarin is starting to get even better than his English. Now we are worried that he might stop to make progresses in learning English. Guess I have to work harder on that part when I come home.
Recently we surveyed from the book and knew that each parent should only speak one language to prevent from the kids getting confused. After an evaluation by a doctor who eagerly wanted to make some money out of suggesting our son to attend treatment class from his diagnosing him being seriously retarded in socializing and speaking, we took advices from another doctor who had more experiences with bi-lingual children and started to let him contact kids of similar ages. My wife also restricted her languages to speak only Mandarin, while I started to speak only English both to my wife and to my son.
One month has passed since the evaluation, and my son has somehow picked up many words and sentences. It was so amazing. The interesting part is when it comes to terminologies, such as "ostrich", "flower", he would choose to say them in English, but sentences such as "Look, my hands are washed clean" would be said in Mandarin. "我的手洗乾淨了, 你看"
Because my wife stays with him all the day, his Mandarin is starting to get even better than his English. Now we are worried that he might stop to make progresses in learning English. Guess I have to work harder on that part when I come home.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
my photo image

This photo was taken in Hurrican Ridge, Port Angeles, WA in 2000 (Wow! 6 years ago?).
I like the place because it's only 1.5 hrs from Seattle where we lived.
On the way there, we could take ferries, drive along the shore, and visit the beautiful Port Angeles City which faces the sea and leans the Olympic mountains.
If time is allowed, you could also take another ferry and visit Victoria Island (it's as big as Taiwan)
The start
對於另外兩位先生對待妻子的高姿態, 想想自己還算是新好男人了
總之, 這是我的第一個post
可是老婆喜歡看我的日記, 所以不敢再寫了
但這段時間的記憶, 具體的就只有照片和攝影的影片了
對於另外兩位先生對待妻子的高姿態, 想想自己還算是新好男人了
總之, 這是我的第一個post
可是老婆喜歡看我的日記, 所以不敢再寫了
但這段時間的記憶, 具體的就只有照片和攝影的影片了
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