Thursday, November 30, 2006

QA is important

原因是QA遭到customer的質疑, 連帶美國RD也帶著challenge的眼光看我們

但是最近的產品spec的更改, 弄得我不得不延後下班

雖然只有四首歌, 而且和其他團體一起唱, 唱錯被抓包的機率也很渺茫, 但是我還是會全力以赴

上週日在新竹中學的彩排, 聽到很多其他團體的其他演出內容, 真的是很好聽
真替他們汗顏, 萬一是正式來, 誰會管是誰放砲, 只會認為tenor放砲, 那我就只有跟著黑了

想到QA, 也想到生活的Quality
上次看到email 提到M型社會(富者越富, 窮者越窮)
老二剛出生不滿一年, 家裏又背房貸, 又需要第二部車
老公家中排行男生老三(還有一個大姐), 大哥, 二哥都有繼承房子, 就老公沒有

每次看到電器用品比在美國看的價錢還貴, 薪水卻是人家的1/3
像我工作快兩年, 根本不敢做買房子的打算
只能慶幸, 老婆是真的有才德的婦女

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Boss is out of town

老闆要出國了, 差別在, 不會常常出現在你的cubilcle確認工作的內容
但是之前發生在我們group的問題, 從上頭來的壓力, 他幫我們扛了不少
所以, 他在也是很不錯
我喜歡他的名言 "project做不完沒關係, 球一定要打"

更重要的原則 "Don't overkill yourself"
Due date 趕不上, 不是等死, 或拚死完成, 每天加班到半夜
而是要向上反應, 調度資源合力完成
真的不行, 則應提早告知, 延長due date

當然有時會遇到due date 是用calendar date而非用man day來計算
這都是當初可能的dead promise造成的, 所以啦, 給自己緩衝也是很重要的

我喜歡高估, 這樣才不會給自己太大的壓力
想到上次一個project, 老闆問多久, 我說兩個禮拜
老闆笑著說, 這個恐怕要一週內就弄出來, 如果弄不出來, 我們再討論
結果兩天就連test + patch搞定
裏頭的不確定因素, 讓我無法正確預估需要的時間
所幸, survey的時間沒有用的很多

大老闆週五(明天)就回來, 而老闆今天下午走, 看來如同他自己說的
可是為了趕release, 已經所有的資源集中在QA(quality assurance)了
只是同事熟了, 偶而聽聽他們打的嘴砲, 心情比較好

1. 家事>公事, 他還挺看重家庭的support
2. 務實, 我從伉儷團契聽到有些弟兄分享提到上司說"跟著我, 就會...", 然後靠人靠跑的見證, 至少我們老闆從來不提這種不切實際的官僚話

不過就像friends裏的Chandler升為上司, 昔日同事不再與他聊天打屁了, 畢竟那道界線還是存在的

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Messiah is really big

After praticing for several weeks, our choir can perform "For unto us a child is born", "Glory to God", "Halelujah", and "Worthy is the lamb". When I compared to what I heard from the CD, this is just puny part of the whole set. Well, they already took us a long time to not get lost singing.

I felt I really achieved something when I finally got the point how to sing the A-men in "Worthy is the lamb". We're going to perform in Ching-Hua University in Hsinchu on 12/3 Sunday evening. Many other great performers are attending the event.

The goal is to accumulate enough funds for 仁愛啟智中心. Only the funds beyond the expense will be available to be donated to the center. Let's pray that there will be a great amount of it accumulated for the contribution.

I'll post the electronic DM once I get it.

poor MR2

命運坎坷的MR2似乎又大起大落了, 才寫完它可憐的故事之後, 回家突然發現它又榮登兒子枕頭後的寶座了, 但是好景不常

珮萱在市場看見有賣黃色的車子(Mustang)就買回來了(充當計程車) 結果我兒子愛不釋手, 這下子MR2 又被推擠下來了

試想如果我是那台MR2, 而我兒子是老闆, 那我鐵定要跳槽了, 如果我兒子是我爸, 那可能要離家出走一段時間囉

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Silver car & police car

My wife bought my son a police car. It looked gorgeous. My son loved it.
When we were in Taipei, his cousin also loved it. You know what happens when two kids both want the same car. We've decided not to let him take it back to Taipei again.

Because my car is a silver one, my son also pays extra attentions to the silver toy cars. Luckilly I have two Cryslers (from job affairs) and a mini van (TOMY brand). Besides, he also loves blue cars.

If you have seen cars (the movie), then you know that there is a leading car in the race which is yellow. My son thought that was a taxi. (爸爸, 你看, 黃色的計程車). There are many on the street as well. My wife said, everyday when they both go out to the market, my son would say "Let's go buy a taxi" (媽媽, 我們買計程車; 好, 如果有看到就買). They are actually not easy to see as toys. We still don't have it.

But one day my wife was in the market by herself while I stayed home and my son still was sleeping. She found a silver car (1/36 size). It was an MR2. She also brought back a dump truck with an excavater on top. From then on, the MR2 share the glory with the police car. They would be kept next to my son's pillow when he goes to bed. Neither of my wife and I could touch them (爸爸, 不要摸, 用看的)

Last Sunday, while we were practicing Messiah again, my son was playing with his MR2. It suddenly fell off the bench and broke its rear head light. I got the broken piece that fell out and told him that we're going to fix it after we get home. (爸爸, 我們回家; 現在還沒有要回家) Somehow he changed his mind from waiting to get his MR2 fixed. What I heard from him was to buy a new one instead of keep it. (爸爸, 舊的不要, 我們買新的)

After that event, this MR2 is longer staying with him when he sleeps. He even doesn't play with it any more. The rear head light was glued back firmly, but it his mind, it's longer his favorite car.

There are 3 levels of cars in his world of toy cars from our observation. 1st level cars are only allowed to be played by him and can stay with him. The 2nd level cars are only allowed to be played by him but they stay in the bedroom, not next to him. The 3rd level cars can be played by anyone and where they stay when he goes to bed is not his business.

I witnessed one once loved with whole heart, fell down to being ignored completely. It reminds me of Woody replaced by Buzz lightyear and never gets his place in his owner again. I keep imagine how sad that MR2 would be if it has feelings.

Recenlty he keeps saying that he wants a mouse car transporter. I think his dream won't come true very soon.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Company Tour

10/21~10/22, 公司去了宜蘭葛蘭瑪告國家公園
往宜蘭的方向前進, 這是我們唯一的家庭合照, 看來真是慘兮兮
兒子配合度超低, 而我也跟著分心了, 珮萱則是眯著眼忍耐著炎日的照射

宜蘭行, 走了神木區, 算是很長程的旅遊.
走著走著, 突然一向腳力讓我感到驕傲的兒子要我抱了(極限終於被測出來了) 之後我就一步一深腳印中完成最後的爬梯之行

後來變成背的, 我的極限體能也跟著被激發出來了(還好還沒到精盡人亡程度)
公子竟被我背上癮了, 之後再也不願意下來

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What? November already?

Long time has passed.
What have I achieved?
(1)Reserved the end of this year to Hokkaido (Yahhhhhh!)
(2)Basketball day is over thanks to some guy telling on us. The administration is forbidding it now. (That's not achievement!)
(3)Been creating tons of test cases for QA (quality assurance)
(4)A new hired is going to be half under my supervision
(5)My son has become enormously cute (I did not contribute to it)
(6)NBA has started a new season(, here I come)
(7)My belly has become larger (I wish I had not achieved this)
Well, it's less than a month since my last post, no need to panic.