If you have sung Messiah before, then you know after singing "Worthy is the lamb, the slain of God ..." for about 3~4 minutes, the lyrics is simplified to only singing A-men, but you easily make mistake either coming out too soon or too late.
This Sunday, finally I'm getting the picture how to sing it without hesitation or embarrassment. I felt like I achieved something great. It's really amazing how Handel wrote music like that and how composers of the similar age created the same kind of masterpieces.
For amateurs like me, to sing it note by note is already a challenge. I was impressed how our conductor always remember the detailed notes. But with practice time spent, I gradually get the point how those A-mens are handled between different pitches.
I feel glad to have this oppotunity to learn singing Handel's great work. I really love the involvement in the choir. What I love even more is when my son also sings "And the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the prince of piece"
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Taipei zoo
趁著連假, 帶著全家去木柵動物園, 這個從大二之後(算算有13年了) 就再也沒去過的地方, 竟然大到逛不完, 雙腿竟然比剛打了一場籃球還酸, 而3歲的兒子卻沒有要求過要抱抱(除了夜行館入口處太暗, 他怕黑) 我們都被他給打敗了
去的感想, 下次一定要再來參觀, 真的跟以前差好多好多. 以前的印象就是夜行館的蠑螈(newt)好可愛, 其他都沒什麼印象了, 不過當時的票好像只有20元, 現在則是60元. 價錢跟園區的大小都呈倍增的狀態
兒子喜歡亂跑的壞習慣, 終於抓到個機會教育的時機, 在遊客絡繹不絕的情況下, 兒子自顧自地前進, 讓我們吃足苦頭, 終於決定不跟, 讓他學個教訓, 看他急得來回找尋我們, 臉已滿佈愁容, 我先心軟, 趕緊出現在他的視野中, Esther趁機告誡他要走時必須通知我們, 或者隨時回頭看我們有沒有跟上. 只希望他能記取教訓. 記得上次在屏東海生館, 我們曾用過同的方法, 可是他卻毫不在意, 讓我們束手無策.
另一個比較讓人詬病的是, 裏面的食物實在難吃, 我覺得想買個像樣的午餐給兒子吃成了難題, 在台中科博館, 至少還有個McDonald可以吃個粗飽, 這裏, 再貴還是那個quality讓人不敢恭維, 不是地頭蛇的我們到回程入捷運站才看到站旁的McDonald, 只好帶飢腸再撐個半小時(之前的炒麵差不多消耗掉了)回自家附近的M解決. 水的稀少也是一大缺點, 倒是販賣飲料一堆, 可是喝一堆越喝越渴的果汁, 我看不出這個措施有何高明之處, 下次我一定會記得帶礦泉水, 這次是被台中科博館到處有的飲水機經驗影響, 以為這裏也會到處有飲水機
兒子算是第一次去動物園, 看到他滿足的笑容, 這一趟再累也值得了
去的感想, 下次一定要再來參觀, 真的跟以前差好多好多. 以前的印象就是夜行館的蠑螈(newt)好可愛, 其他都沒什麼印象了, 不過當時的票好像只有20元, 現在則是60元. 價錢跟園區的大小都呈倍增的狀態
兒子喜歡亂跑的壞習慣, 終於抓到個機會教育的時機, 在遊客絡繹不絕的情況下, 兒子自顧自地前進, 讓我們吃足苦頭, 終於決定不跟, 讓他學個教訓, 看他急得來回找尋我們, 臉已滿佈愁容, 我先心軟, 趕緊出現在他的視野中, Esther趁機告誡他要走時必須通知我們, 或者隨時回頭看我們有沒有跟上. 只希望他能記取教訓. 記得上次在屏東海生館, 我們曾用過同的方法, 可是他卻毫不在意, 讓我們束手無策.
另一個比較讓人詬病的是, 裏面的食物實在難吃, 我覺得想買個像樣的午餐給兒子吃成了難題, 在台中科博館, 至少還有個McDonald可以吃個粗飽, 這裏, 再貴還是那個quality讓人不敢恭維, 不是地頭蛇的我們到回程入捷運站才看到站旁的McDonald, 只好帶飢腸再撐個半小時(之前的炒麵差不多消耗掉了)回自家附近的M解決. 水的稀少也是一大缺點, 倒是販賣飲料一堆, 可是喝一堆越喝越渴的果汁, 我看不出這個措施有何高明之處, 下次我一定會記得帶礦泉水, 這次是被台中科博館到處有的飲水機經驗影響, 以為這裏也會到處有飲水機
兒子算是第一次去動物園, 看到他滿足的笑容, 這一趟再累也值得了
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A night at a motel

We spent the night at a motel. The bath tub was huge enough for the three of us, and it has massage system, too. My naughty son saw the candle lights (behind) and tried to blow them off. At that time my wife was preparing the hot water. Suddenly my son slipped into the tub. If there was no water, he could have gotten hurt very seriously. But he was scared enough to keep saying that he didn't want to take a bath.
The motel was a nice place to spend the night, except that the bed was too shaky (probably a water bed) and we don't like to sleep on a bed like that. All three of us didn't sleep well after the night. But that was a wonderful experience.
I heard that these motels are designed for people having affairs. When I turned on the TV and switched to 22 channel (supposed to be animal planet), I saw the introduction video of the motel. I tried to switch down to 19 (looking for discovery channel), then went through 6,7 channels that played videos forbidden for under 18. I don't know what my son was thinking when he saw them. Quickly, I switched to 30 (it was playing Chibi Maruko) and we were settled for the TV show.

Dinosaur exhibition

The dinosour exhibition was supposed to be the most fun. However my son was afraid of the sound they mimic a T-Rex. He almost didn't want to come in. I had a hold him util we left the area and no dinosour voices could be heard. It was our first stop in the science museum. I was deeply afraid that I would have to hold him for the whole visit. Luckily it was only in this room so I could still keep my arms unharmed.

Science museum

On 2006/09/24, we visited the science museum in Taichung. It was also our first time being there. I thought my son learned a lot from there. There are many that I did not know either. In this picture, the agriculture in Taiwan is being introduced. It was much more than I have expected. For a 100NT entrance fee, I think I would go there every week if I live there.

Lunch at Morimoto - Taichung

Last Monday(2006/09/25), We spent one night at Taichung. This restaurant was just opened for one week. The previous pictures show a whole set (580 + 10%). At the time of ordering, it seemed to be such a luxury. But for this whole set, I thought the price was acceptable. It was a great time having lunch at that place. The waitress was very nice, too. My son also had a wonderful meal and was happy through the whole lunch time.

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